Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Next stop: Marrakesh!

Good morning!  I've got some boring shite to deal out later but for now - exciting news!  I'm going to Morocco!

I'd originally planned to spend the delightful week of nothing between my last deadline and when my family arrives doing absolutely nothing.  Not true; nothing I really have to do at least.  I actually have a lovely note hear entitled "Things to do w my time off" which includes working on my other blog, tagging and parsing my corpus and memorizing the logical fallacies.  Thankfully I've been spared from my complete lack of sanity by a luck airfare search.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just a quick one.

A number of things have gone wrong today.  At this moment it is only 12:12pm local time.  First, I slept in (booooo) but I'm two for three in getting up early.  Second, I have not had breakfast yet and I've been up for more than an hour.  Third, and most importantly, I allowed myself to descend into the comments section of a glazey-eyed banal post on 20 things you learn while travelling around the world.  Not how I like to start my day.  Anyways, this (like most of my posts) is pretty banal itself and I'm getting hungry.  On with the day!