This is a very normal time for me to start working, so I'm not panicking. Nope, not at all. Well, not about this assignment, certainly. Things that are more likely to strike panic in my heart (well, until tomorrow night, when I will, in fact, start panicking about this assignment) might include:
1. The fact that my room smells like a cat lady and that I have tried literally everything to make it stop. Washed my carpets, bought air freshener, the works. As long as this Glade candle is burning and my window is open, it is bearable. (This is a troublesome solution, seeing as it is getting colder.) Otherwise, I live in a litterbox. Oddly, I think this is a result of spilling curry on my floor. Shopping for baking soda-type deodorizers soon.
2. The fact that the Indian takeaway I liked can't find my flat which is problematic later in the evening when I'm not feeling like going to pick it up myself. After last night's hour-and-a-half delivery fiasco (with a VERY mediocre curry as the end result), this all may be solved by switching takeaways.
3. The changing weather is making my life much more grey and my fingers much more cold. This worries me mainly because my sausage fingers keep my ring from falling off and I will probably lose it if I stop wearing it due to shrunken Siberian digits. Also the change in temperature between outdoors and uni buildings means I'm a sweaty mess fairly often.
4. The return of my Scotland who owns the 30 Rock seasons on DVD; her absence this weekend is the only reason I don't have more television to distract myself with. And that's about to change.
But this assignment has yet to cause me panic, and so it shall remain for another 36h or so. Until that time, I am going to continue drinking potfuls of Earl Grey and eating seafood sticks (which are the fakest fake crab sticks you will ever find and are only 80p for a big pack of them). I will also continue procrastinating (as I am clearly doing now) so that I neither have to exert myself mentally nor focus on the fact that it is Canadian thanksgiving and I am missing home and friends quite a bit. Can't find a turkey in a supermarket here to save my life.
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