Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The importance of being earnest

Third year is now in full swing and I'm starting to realize that I actually care about my degree. More clearly put, I've always cared about my degree in that I've always cared about having some new credentials after showing up and jumping through hoops for four years. Now I'm really starting to love what I'm studying.

For instance: I'm far more engaged in what I'm reading, I follow up on suggested background reading; I even took out a book that was mentioned in the most recent chapter of my textbook. Considering I've coasted for the better part of the past 14 years of my education, this is quite something. It's refreshing and it's created a drive like I haven't had since the last time I left a project until 24h before the deadline (a frequent occurrence). Motivation is certainly something I've been missing out on.

On a far less lame note, I've picked up a few linguistics-related blogs which I'm quite enjoying and tonight I'm stopping by the Linguistics Society meeting to see what that's all about. Looking forward to my first ever attempt at extra-curricular involvement. It's at a bar, which helps the fact that was actually on a far more lame note. I'm catching up on some reading they're discussing as we speak; I'll probably not contribute much as most of these people probably do a lot more extra-curricular reading than I do. Hopefully it's as not-dry as the email led me to believe it would be ... some Facebook stalking suggests fellow members are socially competent and fun.

Well isn't today just a day full of goals being set (and, shockingly, met) and terrible food. Regardless of that second item, this is promising! Follow the jump for an entirely unrelated quip.

Now I digress with a story regarding the surprising turn of events this morning. I went to the gym. To exercise. And enjoyed it. Really, I'm v. glad I did it, especially considering how stellar the new addition to the university gym is! And now I'm going to tell you all about it:

Very bright and colourful and modern. I stuck to my now-favourite area, which they've dubbed My Gym. An incredibly lame but fitting concept/title. A vast array of top-of-the-line cardio equipment (with personal TVs and iPod hook-ups) around the perimeter, lots of big windows, studio mirrors and hardwood. Spread across the middle of the room are 15 "my pods" which are really just big matted areas with a sticky mat/pad thing and an adjustable aerobics step. There are several sets of dumbells, a bunch of barbells and weights, a variety of exercise balls, and some differently-weighted medicine balls. All of the equipment is brightly-coloured, brand new, not-terrifying-to-noobs Reebok stuff (including the matting) so I didn't feel totally out of place. Anyways, you pick a station, run around and collect what you need and have at it! Concept is a home gym away from home? My Gym. Get it. Yep, terrible. But I love it; may actually make a habit of it! Infinitely more cheerful than the iron ghetto that is the Carleton fitness centre - that thing intimidates the shit out of me.

That's all.

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