Friday, September 24, 2010

Things you will be pleased to hear about:

Well, you being pleased about these things assumes that you are actually me and your week seems to have taken a delightful turn for the better with (in some cases) lasting results. Or that you are looking for a great latte.

1. My terrifying syntax prof (who will doubtless fail me and everyone else in the class) is actually very hilarious. This was suspected from the start, but has now been confirmed. On the topic of semantically anomalous but syntactically correct sentences:
"Semantics has absolutely nothing to do with grammar. Just because what you're saying makes very little sense in reality has nothing to do with the syntax of the statement. For instance, if you were to tell me 'My toothbrush is trying to kill me,' I may be thinking that you are completely insane but would probably not have any concerns with your grasp of English syntax. You, on the other hand, would be wondering how I could not see this utter menace ..." and so on.

2. I have made (more or less) friends in all of my classes. Including a Chinese masters student in TESOL, who mainly uses me to write out English idioms she doesn't get. Neither of us can pronounce the other's name. But it's a start.

3. I have discovered the best latte I have ever had. Disappointing in both portion size and price, but made up for by the cute things they draw in the foam.

4. Tentative pub quiz on Sunday (they have them everywhere here!) which will no doubt be better than Mike's Place trivia (no offense, Mike's Place).

That's all for now! Plenty of reading this weekend, but I'm feeling academic motivation coming on (and am also running out of TV to catch up on).

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