Sunday, November 28, 2010

Favourite Things: Part I

I really don't want to get into this, so I won't any further than to say I really, really don't like Oprah.  A particularly irritating segment of her consortium of contemptibility is, of course, her Favourite Things.  Favourite things should be along the lines of how dark your toast is, or a flavour of tea or a seat in the library - not a 52" plasma screen TV.  (Although, if I had one I'd probably like it a lot.)  So since I'm clearly not getting any work done, here are three of my favourite things, all within reach at this particular moment.

Brass tacks.

For anyone who knows me (which would, presumably, be anyone who reads this), you know how I'm getting around this time of the year.  My cooking is going to get more elaborate, my room is going to get cleaner, and my hair will probably look like I put some effort into it.  Or, more simply, the procrastination train has reached full speed.  Suffice to say, it's taking all my willpower and a promise to a third party that I will not go near any wool shop (online or otherwise).

Solution?  Some concrete, in-print commitments.  And a formula for productivity.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Well now, I suppose it's about time.

Long overdue post today!  Things you can look forward to:

  1. Terrible photos of the big Pagan fire fest that happened on Halloween (had some trouble finding an appropriate setting for most of it).
  2. New hobbies!
  3. Family time.
  4. Procrastination (yes, it's not just blogging that keeps me preoccupied).
Do read on.